Tag Archives: movies

I’d Rather Be Dead…

People have been using the phrase: “I’d rather be dead” for about as long as I can remember. From the first girl that I asked for a kiss, all the way up until recently when I invited a friend over to my house to watch the Cleveland Browns play. Folks for some reason just seem to like throwing that phrase around. I’m pretty sure that; with the exception of a few religious extremists, people don’t mean that they’d literally rather be dead. If they did then it would indicate that they have a very serious problem with prioritizing and people have way too much common sense for that to be a problem or do we? I recently noticed some things that made me wonder if we as a society really do have our priorities in order. This is a true story… partially. Continue reading

Who did YOU vote for & Why ?

People are talking politics these days. It’s like everywhere you go someone is talking about candidates, issues or taxes. People are talking politics in the barber shops and grocery stores. I’ve even heard people talking about politics at football games and in restaurants. It’s a good sign to see so many people talking about the state of our government.
But what is not a good sign is some of the things that people are saying. People are literally voting for the candidate that had a cookout last week and served up ‘a mighty fine plate of ribs’. For the life of me I could not make the connection between making executive decisions and cooking ribs. In the past few weeks I have asked people why they voted the way they did, and I’ve decided to put together this list of what I consider to be the 23 Oddest Reasons for Choosing a Candidate. This is a true story…partially. Continue reading

Charlie & Diane: The Ugly Truth



Gibson livid over Sawyer replacing him – HuffPo

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Movies That I Like & The Ones I Hated.

The ORPHAN was the shit! This was a movie that was not too stupid but didn’t require too much thinking either. Personally I can’t stand movies that make you think so much that they should include a couple aspirin with the price of admission. If I wanted a headache I’d watch a documentary.  I really hate movies that don’t live up to the hype, like “ANGELS & DEMON”. Continue reading