Tag Archives: Race

What’s In A Name?

Everybody has a name; and luck of the draw being what it is I ended up with a funny sounding… I mean unique one. I have one of those names that some folks would call distinctive, which is another way of saying that it’s a not very common. As a youngster my mom would tell me that I had a distinguished name whenever I came home from school upset because my classmates would tease me about my name. ‘PillowTalk’ is the name that they used to callme and then they’d all laugh at me. I would sometimes have to hold back the tears. Over the years I have learned to accept and take pride in my name and in the process I have gained a lot more than I bargained for. This is a true story…partially.
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Who did YOU vote for & Why ?

People are talking politics these days. It’s like everywhere you go someone is talking about candidates, issues or taxes. People are talking politics in the barber shops and grocery stores. I’ve even heard people talking about politics at football games and in restaurants. It’s a good sign to see so many people talking about the state of our government.
But what is not a good sign is some of the things that people are saying. People are literally voting for the candidate that had a cookout last week and served up ‘a mighty fine plate of ribs’. For the life of me I could not make the connection between making executive decisions and cooking ribs. In the past few weeks I have asked people why they voted the way they did, and I’ve decided to put together this list of what I consider to be the 23 Oddest Reasons for Choosing a Candidate. This is a true story…partially. Continue reading

Obama’s Reading To Kids


obama read2
Obama Schoolchildren Speech Drives Right-Wingers Batty – HuffPo

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Politics, Race, Gates & Philly Cops

There’s a lot of shit slinging going on on a lot of subjects from Obama’s citzenship to the Gates arrest to the Philly Cops to everything and the underlying issue seems to be RACE. WTF people ?? It seems pretty obvious that there are a large number of racists in america. Hate based divisionists whose beliefe are in contradiction of what America really stands for. Continue reading